One More for Darfur: Carolyn Scott

Below is a letter from Carolyn Scott, the Liberal candidate for Sackville-Eastern Shore:

Thank you for raising the profile of the tragedy and travesties which are occurring in Darfur.

The genocide in Darfur is a blight on the reputations of so many responsible governments in the world, governments who are standing by as so many people become the victims, through no fault of their own.

When elected, I commit to working to support real and positive action to stop this criminal action in Darfur.

Canada needs to be a part of this, to show, in real and meaningful ways, that we are a country of citizens who genuinely care about the fate of our sisters and brothers in other nations.

We cannot just stand by, and let it happen – Canada is better than that, and Canadians are better than that.

The citizens of Darfur are our sisters and brothers.

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